What’s up with Poppo?


In the First Book of the POPPO Series, Jenny is confused and afraid with all the ways her grandfather is changing. She questions her grandfather’s terminal illness, and with the help of her parents she learns that Poppo’s love for her will never change.
Key Points
  • Models the importance of believing in oneself
  • Encourages expression of feelings and open communication with trusted adults
  • Reminds us to hold love inside our hearts; it never goes away
  • Shows us the importance of finding joy in every part of our lives
  • Teaches us to practice and to do what we love to do

What’s up with Poppo?, The first book in the POPPO Series, specifically addresses the illness of ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis). In this story, Jenny notices all the physical changes in her grandfather as his illness progresses. As time goes on, she questions her parents, and they respond with honesty and love.

Children reading this book will come to understand how even though the physical changes from illness can be scary; the love that they share with their loved one will never go away. Ideal for children who’s loved ones are struggling with illness, What’s up with Poppo? not only offers comfort, it reminds children to find happiness in doing what they love to do.

“I wanted to tell you how touching it was especially your note on the last page about your mistake turning into an inspiration. How lucky you were to have such a mentor in your life to inspire. Poppo sounds like a man who will be dearly missed. I wish I had the funds right now to order more copies, I think it is truly wonderful. But for now I will read and share this one with anyone who is interested.” –  Patient Service Coordinator, ALS Association

I just read your book and of course I cried. But it’s a beautiful story and I think some of our families would benefit from reading this (although not at one sitting) to their children. You did a fine job. Thanks for a beautifully written story. Poppo must be so proud.” Shirley Eisenberg, ALS Association- Ohio Chapter

“I received What’s up with Poppo?, it was fantastic!! I love what you want to get across to the children. It is so important with today’s challenges.” Denise George, RN The ALS Association – Michigan